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Spark Program’s Technical Training at Countryside Progressing

As the Spark Program proceeds, the “technical training for a million farmers” maintains a good momentum along with other Spark training projects. Within this framework, MOST complied and publicized the Book Serials of Practical Technologies for the New Countryside which consisted of 100 books and were initially released at its donation ceremony in Langfang City of Hebei Province. Thanks to national guidance, Spark training received an input of RMB 861 million in 2006 providing training to 18,33 million attendance. Such training was held by various localities through diversified means such as classroom teaching, distant education, and on-the-spot instruction. Among the attendants, 485,000 were Spark S&T extension service persons, 181,700 were technology managers, and 115,700 were business managerial personnel. Meanwhile, 50 national Spark training bases and 629 national Spark schools had improved their training capacity. Local Spark training bases and schools added to 1,116 in 2006, and had made 23,900 pieces of class materials. Efforts will continue to develop the Spark Technical Training Network, and further boost inter-regional training and communication.