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MOST Hosts 1st Training Workshop on S&T Finance and Taxation

The Department of Facilities and Financial Support hosted the first training workshop on S&T finance and taxation in Tianjin Municipality from July 4 to 6, 2007. Presentations were given by officials and experts from the National Research Center for Science and Technology for Development (NRCSTD) of MOST, State Administration of Taxation, National Natural Science Foundation of China, China Development Bank, etc. The workshop covered a number of issues, such as the S&T central budget allocation and its management, taxation policies, finance theories, venture capital, innovative finance initiatives in support of SMEs, loan policies, the new capital market system and the SME board, S&T insurance, IPR mortgage loans, technological innovation and economic growth.


Coming from local S&T administrative departments, trainees studied hard, took the initiative to compare notes with the lecturers, and highly appreciated the course. They put forward many constructive suggestions, hoping this kind of training workshops would continue to be focused, informative, and theoretically relevant to real work.